Sharing our Ponderings about Love-Based Consciousness on this Planet
This blog gives you a chance to explore what we mean by love based consciousness on this planet. In this blog we will share the core concepts of love, self-love, surrender, letting go, the role of stories in our lives, unconditional love, and the role the ego can play in stopping us from love based action towards our wildest dreams. Our motto together has been love, trust, surrender, and then action now for over 10 years. These tiny 4 four words have changed our lives forever. These videos and this blog will give you a sense of who we are and help you explore whether you want to play.
This challenge came as we launched the Infinity Series in the Fall of 2019. After 10 years of sharing and experiencing scalar energy products on the […]
This came from a group discussion about why love? When Bill and I came together in 2012 we knew the journey was about love but somehow we got lost along the way. This is us explaining what we mean by love.. For now, because it always changes...