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The Exploration of Sacred Economies

Join in focused discussion groups to explore and apply the core principles of Sacred Economics back into our lives and businesses.

To change the way we share love in the world.

Business is a story... One we have not told very well in the last hundred plus years. We have made it out to be that evil empire and that needs to change. It has the capacity to change the hearts and minds of everyone in its path.

This series of connection opportunities is to gather like minds, to explore the principles of Sacred Economics and help each other learn to apply it in our lives and in our businesses.

I like to call it the intuitive business networking group with real life application. To help bring a gift consciousness to the world.

We often let what other’s believe and tell us as to how we do our businesses get in the way instead of doing it from the soul, the higher mind and allowing love and money just to flow.

For years we have segregated helping humanity by parceling the “good work” off to the “poor people” into NGO’s and non-profits. What if they were meant to be one?

Gone are the days where business is primarily meant to make money and send money off to the poor to help them. The story of business was meant to help others, provide purpose and let money flow.

Join the journey of exploring Sacred Economics we will focus on how we can bring back the “sacredness” of life and love back into our businesses and into our lives.

This series is specifically for heart-centred individuals who struggle with how to do business in their lives either personally or with others they love and want to do it differently from a place of love and trust.

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Be part of the change and participate in an initiative focused on bringing heart and soul back into businesses and into life, they are not separate, they are the same.

What is Sacred Economics and why does it matter?

As described in Charles Eisenstein’s book, Scared Economics
The foundation or principles Sacred Economics is gift consciousness. The four principles gift consciousnes are as follows:

1. Over time, giving and receiving MUST be in balance
2. The source of a gift must be in balance.
3. Gifts circulate rather than accumulate, and
4. Gifts flow toward the greatest need

During this journey we will focus on the practical application and insertion of Sacred Economics back into lives and our businesses, together in love.

Sacred Economics Think Tank Connection & Facilitated Series


"The opportunity to look closely at the inter-relatedness of money and love created an opening in my life that was completely unexpected. I am feeling very rich indeed in both upon completion."
Gail - Toronto, ON


Get A Taste of What Sacred Economics Is About

An Audio Overview

This audio track was the discussion that led to the launch of the series. This is my gift for you to listen and explore what this might mean for you.

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Sacred Economics

This is a great discussion presented at Business from the Heart to bring the essence of what we are bringing to the world around Sacred Economics. If you are open to the challenge this might be a great place to start to see how this feels.

"This course was fantastic in that it brought up a lot of awareness and more questions I could ask myself lots of “well isn’t that interesting “ many of this coming from the group sharing.

The universe provided a gift/path to a large-ish financial problem I had during this period. It certainly made me look at receiving, love, self -love, “celebration “ on the gift. Awkwardness and uncomfortableness in days after receiving it ...( so fucked up but so interesting ) So you think you could handle winning the lottery... Could you really ?!?!?!?!!! ie . can you receive? Can you receive the judgments?!?

Made me think of new ways of creating. Loved loved loved this pay it forward aspect!

I also had the big realization as I drove away after the last class that I AM ABUNDANT. I always have been. And I knew that. I have a very abundant life in many many ways. Maybe not always w jobs/financial abundance, but with Love, relationships, partner, friends family travel experiences, the list is endless, but the last few years I’d kinda forgotten. This class reminded me.
Doug - Winnipeg, Manitoba

About The Host: Andrea Austin

For over 10 years, I have been exploring the consciousness stage. Prior to that, I was in business almost all my life. Starting at KPMG and ending in my own business for the last 8. I even have a degree in Commerce and Economics from U oF T and have taught business and taxation at varying levels including universities and professional levels.

My passion has always been about taking complex topics and simplifying them and then seeing how the mind and the soul can engage. Realizing that these topics and patterns are real, very real for all of us. Life is an illusion if we can get out of our own way. And one of those passions for me is about doing business. Doing business differently.

So for the last 10 years, I have been involved in the consciousness stage and arena, prior to that over 22 years in the corporate arena of life and what I have seen is some very beautiful people struggling to reconcile money and how to function in this reality when they wish to come from love, from the heart and make a difference in this world.

Save Your Spot

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Not ready yet to start but wish to stay connected for future events? Simply message me or join our email list to stay tuned.