The Invitation to Play in exploring core principles of Sacred Economics back into our lives and businesses. To change the way we share love in the world.
Sign up and receive the following:
A Self Guided Journey A guided self exploration journey that you can use at your own pace as often as you choose to begin to explore your relationship with money, love and integrity in business.
5 Day Challenge - June 20th to 24th included A guided 5 day challenge live on ZOOM to explore core concepts a little deeper on what this means to you with other like minds.
A one-on-one exploration challenge An opportunity to connect one on one to explore more deeply what this means to you and whay it matters.
What Other's Are Saying
Andrea's sessions on sacred economics are so powerfully business and life changing. The very first time I heard her speak on this topic, I knew to the very core of me that this topic holds huge significance as we collectively move forward. Thank you Andrea, you have helped me to grow my business in a way that feels authentic, respectful and inclusive.
Sacred Economics helped me gain a new perspective in thinking about money and energy which shifted my view of abundance as it relates to my innate gifts and creativity. I let go of the old scarcity mindset and adopted a new view around creativity, value exchange and the flow of abundance.

About Andrea
My name is Andrea Leigh Austin, and I am currently located just outside of Toronto, ON, Canada. I have a history in business including both the profit and non-profit sectors and for the last 10 years specifically entrepreneurship.
This includes a Degree in Commerce and Economics from the University of Toronto, a former CPA with KPMG and now completing my PhD in Consciouss Business Ethics with the University of Sedona as I study the impact of bringing love back into business.
My short bio is I have been an educator for most of my life in different forms. Different ways of being.
First kids in swimming and then funnily teaching taxation at the University of Toronto to help people get comfortable with crazy topics that most people run from. Then I took a break for a lot of years knowing that something needed to shift not only within me but also in the world around me.
10 years ago I entered the conscious entrepreneur space with my divine partner spreading and sharing the use of consciousness technologies in the world.
And now I find myself here.
You see during my 10-year experience in our own business with consciousness technologies I knew deep down something needed to shift in how we did business in the world. In fact, now I look back I have known that all of my life as I explored both the profit and the non-profit and even the education world. It's like my life prepared me for this moment.
When the concepts and principles of metaphysics, energy, and consciousness came along all the pieces seemed to come together for me.
You see business is an exchange, an energy a form of creation, and one that has been primarily in the last century based often on scarcity, fear, lack, and loss rather than prosperity, love, and abundance for all.
What happened along the way was I always knew that businesses and non-profits in the world needed to shift bringing them back into alignment with love, compassion, and integrity, where they were meant to be.
Then came along the topic of Sacred Economies and my world caught on fire knowing that the alignment I was seeking was bringing love money and business back into balance in the world so we can bring our initiatives, creations, and ideas more solidly into this world form a place of love rather than fear, scarcity lack, and loss.
This is what we have been practicing and applying in our business and my invitation to others is to explore this and do the same.
Much love and gratitude for making this space and taking the time to read this and helping make love through business available to all.